Charm. Charm in which charm and money to bring up charm and love that arouses charm and luck of love (both trowing and reunion) gather and charm, etc. that can marry. A necessary charm for you is taught. Now let's expand the note. Happiness is in the place where the hand reaches soon.

HOMELove charmLucky charmMarriage charmBeautiful woman charmEconomic fortune charmEvil fate exceeding charm
|Protection item
 HOME Love charm > When you want to regain love by all means ...
When you want to regain love by all means

First of all, let's obtain pink Candle.

...six indentation.. enter at equal intervals.

It burns it with the light Candle.

The name of the person who thinks is called.

Let's recite the following cantrip.

It is recited that the bird sings.

"Before it had it ..Ghana.. ..Ghana before it made sure.. ..strong
awareness of bird's voice.. of his (she) mind with this prayer before
it delivered it of love of the truth of crack of being with crack"

It continues until one scale burns.

Do at a night and the same time of every Friday.

During the last day ,in a word, the seventh week

Decide the day when it begins to become it ahead of the full moon.

Of course, if it is seen by anyone, it doesn't become it.

It is "Magic in Ghana" transmitted between gypsy's ROM families.
If the desire is strong, it is strong Norohou transmitted without fail. Let's execute it
in sincere feelings.

 Copyright (C)  The wizard's apprentice note"Charm" all right reserved