Charm. Charm in which charm and money to bring up charm and love that arouses charm and luck of love (both trowing and reunion) gather and charm, etc. that can marry. A necessary charm for you is taught. Now let's expand the note. Happiness is in the place where the hand reaches soon.

HOMELove charmLucky charmMarriage charmBeautiful woman charmEconomic fortune charmEvil fate exceeding charm
|Protection item
 HOME Love charm > The name of that anxious person ...
The name of that anxious person

While reciting in the mind

Let's quietly print the match.

The match doesn't disappear on the way.

If 2/3 or more of the match sticks burnt

The desire : to the real thing.

When disappearing at once

Did you only fall in love with love?

Let's can bear the ash and the burning fuck-shit in the soil so that it is not
seen by the person.

he fire has power that brings purification and the reproduction.
This charm borrows the power of the fire, purifies the mind, and measures the purity of the desire.
Goddess Brigit of the fire is a god who boasts very much and is high. Excessive is a god who dislikes playing with very much.
The charm where it borrows the power of the fire takes care about the origin of fire earnestly, and : in sincere feelings.

 Copyright (C)  The wizard's apprentice note"Charm" all right reserved