Charm. Charm in which charm and money to bring up charm and love that arouses charm and luck of love (both trowing and reunion) gather and charm, etc. that can marry. A necessary charm for you is taught. Now let's expand the note. Happiness is in the place where the hand reaches soon.

HOMELove charmLucky charmMarriage charmBeautiful woman charmEconomic fortune charmEvil fate exceeding charm
|Protection item
 HOME Economic fortune charm > When you put up the cash from the purse ...
When you put up the cash from the purse and the savings box

Without putting everything out at a time

Next, it prays to become full again.

I will leave even one money.

Money gathers surely again.

Charm of calling money because money is loneliness. The same race is a charm that arose from the idea of a natural gramary of calling each other.
There is an idea similar as for the interior style water.
Money in which money is symbolized and a yellow purse collect money, and it is not superstition, and either it seems to get money easily actually.

 Copyright (C)  The wizard's apprentice note"Charm" all right reserved