Charm. Charm in which charm and money to bring up charm and love that arouses charm and luck of love (both trowing and reunion) gather and charm, etc. that can marry. A necessary charm for you is taught. Now let's expand the note. Happiness is in the place where the hand reaches soon.

HOMELove charmLucky charmMarriage charmBeautiful woman charmEconomic fortune charmEvil fate exceeding charm
|Protection item
 HOME Beautiful woman charm > The apple gotten on the day......
Love and the magic of beauty : the day of the summer solstice.

Days when effects are demonstrated most.

When you acquire my protection tree on this day

The rival is overcome.

Luck visits.

The day of the summer solstice is the same as the charm on the tip of a marginate day the goddess of beauty and the life.
It is said that strong energy can be taken by acquiring the plant system, especially the guard of the tree on the day of the summer solstice though there are a lot of power items that relate to the birth moon such as the birth flowers and the protection stones.

 Copyright (C)  The wizard's apprentice note"Charm" all right reserved